Coding Bridge

Our all-new, completely free, online course for Python. Classes start June 18, sign up NOW!

Learn for free

Stem Bridge is dedicated to making the learning experience accessible to everyone, and we don't even require credit card information to sign up. It's as simple as checking your email!

Get a certificate

Students who complete the course with good attendance will revieve a certificate of completion from Stem Bridge! This certificate can be shown to potential coding ventures in the future.

Win cash prizes

After the course is done, we will host an event, a mini hackathon for beginners who participated in the course! The course will prepare students for the competition, where they can win a cash prize! Again, competing costs nothing.

Topics Covered

Data types, printing, accepting inputs, for and while loops, and other fundamentals. Assignments will be posted on CodeHS, an online IDE for educators, where students will write their own code and interact with it, asking questions as they go. Classes start June 18.


Design and UI inspiration from

Code Bridge Registration

*You will receive a Google Classroom invite in the student email.